SBI SPECIALIST CADRE OFFICER SyllabusTestBag now has exclusive microsite for SBI Specialist Cadre Officers (SBI SO) Manager & Deputy Manager (Marketing) Exams. Please click on sbi-specialist-officer.testbag.com for one stop on everything about SBI Specialist Cadre Officer Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Previous Years old papers and online Mock Test Series for SBI SO Exam. State Bank of India invites online applications from Indian citizens for appointment in Specialist Cadre Officers posts in State Bank Group. SBI SO SELECTION PROCESS : SBI SPECIALIST CADRE OFFICER Exam mainly covers following areas Reasoning Quantitative Aptitude
General Awareness/Marketing Skills
English Knowledge Test (Letter Writing & Essay) - Descriptive Test Quantitative Aptitude In SBI SO Exam Questions are asked mainly from the following topics/subtopics
Test of Reasoning/Mental Ability/Aptitude
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Contents 1. General Knowledge (World) 1.1 Books and Authors 1.2 World’s Great Structures (Building) 1.3 Calendars 1.4 Countries 1.4.1 Countries and their Capital 1.4.2 Countries and Their Emblems 1.4.3 Countries and Their Parliaments 1.4.4 Lines and Boundaries 1.4.5 Minerals and Producing Countries 1.4.6 Major Industrial Towns 1.4.7 Major Riverside Cities 1.4.8 Tribes and Races 1.5 Currencies 1.6 Music and Dance 1.7 Disasters 1.8 Famous Places of World 1.9 Famous Personalities 1.10 First, Largest, Longest of World 1.10.1 ‘First’ in the World 1.10.2 Important Geographical Facts 1.11 Inventions and Discoveries 1.12 Languages 1.13 Religions 1.14 Wars 1.15 Weathers and Climate 1.16 World organization 1.16.1 United Nations Organization (UNO) 1.16.2 The Commonwealth 1.16.3 The Non–Aligned Movement (NAM) 1.16.4 South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) 1.16.5 European Union (EU) 1.16.6 Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) 1.16.7 North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) 1.16.8 G-7 (Now G-8) 1.16.9 Association of South-East Asian Nation (ASEAN) 1.16.10 World Trade Prganisation (WTO) 1.17 Statistical Data of World 1.17.1 Census of world 1.18 Prize and Awards
2. General Knowledge (India) 2.1 Books and Authors(I) 2.1.1 Indian Authors (English) 2.2.2 Ancient Classical Authors 2.2 Dances(I) 2.2.1 Classical Dance of India 2.2.2 Folk Dance of India 2.3 Famous Places 2.4 Famous Personalities 2.5 First, Largest, Longest(I) 2.5.1 Record Makers (India) 2.5.2 India’s Superlatives Structures Music(I)
2.6.1 Hindustani classical music 2.6.2 Carnatic music 2.7 Religions of India 2.8 Sanctuaries(I) 2.9 National Symbols (I) 2.10 Statistical Data of India 2.10.1 Census of India 2.11 Prize and Awards(I) 2.11.1 National Awards 2.11.2 Other Awards Marketing Skills
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Note : The information provided here is just indicative
information and is provided on “as is”
and “as available” basis . We make no
claims on accuracy and reliability of the information.
For correct/current information kindly contact concerned
SBI SPECIALIST CADRE OFFICER SyllabusTestBag now has exclusive microsite for SBI Specialist Cadre Officers (SBI SO) Manager & Deputy Manager (Marketing) Exams. Please click on sbi-specialist-officer.testbag.com for one stop on everything about SBI Specialist Cadre Officer Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Previous Years old papers and online Mock Test Series for SBI SO Exam. State Bank of India invites online applications from Indian citizens for appointment in Specialist Cadre Officers posts in State Bank Group. SBI SO SELECTION PROCESS : SBI SPECIALIST CADRE OFFICER Exam mainly covers following areas Reasoning Quantitative Aptitude
General Awareness/Marketing Skills
English Knowledge Test (Letter Writing & Essay) - Descriptive Test Quantitative Aptitude In SBI SO Exam Questions are asked mainly from the following topics/subtopics
Test of Reasoning/Mental Ability/Aptitude
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Contents 1. General Knowledge (World) 1.1 Books and Authors 1.2 World’s Great Structures (Building) 1.3 Calendars 1.4 Countries 1.4.1 Countries and their Capital 1.4.2 Countries and Their Emblems 1.4.3 Countries and Their Parliaments 1.4.4 Lines and Boundaries 1.4.5 Minerals and Producing Countries 1.4.6 Major Industrial Towns 1.4.7 Major Riverside Cities 1.4.8 Tribes and Races 1.5 Currencies 1.6 Music and Dance 1.7 Disasters 1.8 Famous Places of World 1.9 Famous Personalities 1.10 First, Largest, Longest of World 1.10.1 ‘First’ in the World 1.10.2 Important Geographical Facts 1.11 Inventions and Discoveries 1.12 Languages 1.13 Religions 1.14 Wars 1.15 Weathers and Climate 1.16 World organization 1.16.1 United Nations Organization (UNO) 1.16.2 The Commonwealth 1.16.3 The Non–Aligned Movement (NAM) 1.16.4 South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) 1.16.5 European Union (EU) 1.16.6 Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) 1.16.7 North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) 1.16.8 G-7 (Now G-8) 1.16.9 Association of South-East Asian Nation (ASEAN) 1.16.10 World Trade Prganisation (WTO) 1.17 Statistical Data of World 1.17.1 Census of world 1.18 Prize and Awards
2. General Knowledge (India) 2.1 Books and Authors(I) 2.1.1 Indian Authors (English) 2.2.2 Ancient Classical Authors 2.2 Dances(I) 2.2.1 Classical Dance of India 2.2.2 Folk Dance of India 2.3 Famous Places 2.4 Famous Personalities 2.5 First, Largest, Longest(I) 2.5.1 Record Makers (India) 2.5.2 India’s Superlatives Structures Music(I)
2.6.1 Hindustani classical music 2.6.2 Carnatic music 2.7 Religions of India 2.8 Sanctuaries(I) 2.9 National Symbols (I) 2.10 Statistical Data of India 2.10.1 Census of India 2.11 Prize and Awards(I) 2.11.1 National Awards 2.11.2 Other Awards Marketing Skills
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Note : The information provided here is just indicative
information and is provided on “as is”
and “as available” basis . We make no
claims on accuracy and reliability of the information.
For correct/current information kindly contact concerned